Notification in accordance with section 26 paragraph 1 WpHG with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

We have received the following notifications of voting rights pursuant to paragraph
25 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) on July 2, 2015:

Notification pursuant to paragraph 25 WpHG (financial instruments)
1. Listed company:
ADVA Optical Networking SE

Maerzenquelle 1-3, 98617 Meiningen-Dreissigacker, Germany

2. Notifier:
UBS AG, Zurich, Switzerland
3. Triggering event: Falling below threshold due acquisition/disposal
4. Threshold (s) crossed or reached: 5%
5. Date at which the threshold is crossed or reached: June 29, 2015
6. Voting rights:
Total amount: 4.61% (equals: 2237098 voting rights)
calculated from the following total number of voting rights issued: 48526711
7. Detailed information on the voting rights proportion:
- (Financial/other) instruments purs. to sec. 25 WpHG: 4.34% (equals: 2107688 voting rights)
      thereof held indirectly: 3.20% (equals: 1551614 voting rights)
- Voting rights purs. to sec. 21, 22 WpHG: 0.27% (equals: 129410 voting rights)

8. Detailed information on financial/other instruments:
Chain of controlled undertakings: UBS Switzerland AG
Exercise period: anytime


ADVA Optical Networking SE
Maerzenquelle 1-3, 98617 Meiningen-Dreissigacker, Germany
t +49 3693 450 0, f +49 3963 450 499,