Development of Annual General Meeting of IC Companys A/S held on 27 September 2010

Today IC Companys A/S held its Annual General Meeting with the following
resolutions being passed: 

• The Annual Report 2009/10 was approved by the shareholders and the proposal
to pay a dividend of DKK 4.25 per eligible share was adopted. 

• Niels Martinsen, Henrik Heideby, Ole Wengel, Anders Colding Friis and Per
Bank were re-elected to the Board of Directors. 

• The remuneration to be paid to the Board of Directors for the current
financial year, which is unchanged, was adopted. 

• Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was re-elected as auditors of
the Company. 

• The Board of Directors was authorized for the period until the next Annual
General Meeting to allow the Company to acquire own shares representing up 10%
of the share capital and at a price deviating by no more than 10% from the
listed price at the time of the acquisition. 

• The proposed Remuneration policy including revised Guidelines for incentive
pay of the Executive Board of IC Companys A/S was approved. 

• The following amendments to the Company's Articles of Associations were
adopted by the shareholders: 
   − Consequential amendments including amendments regarding 
     legal formality and concepts as required by the new 
     Danish Companies' Act. 
   − Other amendments which the Board of Directors proposes 
     adopted in order to make better use of the op-portunities 
     arising as a consequence of implementation of the new 
     Danish Companies Act as well as amendments proposed in 
     connection with a general update of the Articles of Association.
   − Authority to the Board of Directors to issue warrants and 
     to execute share capital increases in connection hereto. 

The complete wordings of the resolutions appear from the previously published

After the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors re-appointed Niels
Martinsen as Chairman and Henrik Heideby and Ole Wengel as Deputy Chairmen. 

The report by the Chairman and CEO at the Annual General Meeting will be
published on IC Companys' website. 

IC Companys A/S

Niels Martinsen 

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:	
Thomas Rohold
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Risk
+45 5336 7023

This announcement is a translation from the Danish language. In the event of
any discrepancy between the Danish and English versions, the Danish version
shall prevail.

