Development of Annual General Meeting


A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S - Development of the Annual General Meeting on 27 April

The Annual General Meeting of A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S took place on 27 April
2010 at Bella Center, Copenhagen, in accordance with the notice convening the
Annual General Meeting dated 30 March 2010. 

The Board of Directors had appointed Mr. Søren Meisling, attorney-at-law, as
Chairman of the meeting. 


a)	Report on the Company's activities during the past financial year.
	The Chairman of the Board of Directors gave a presentation of the Company's
activities in the previous year. 

b)	Submission of the audited annual report for adoption. 

	The audited report was submitted and approved.

c)	Resolution to grant discharge to directors.

	The General Meeting discharged the Directors from their obligations.

d)	Resolution on appropriation of profit, including the amount of dividends, or
covering of loss in accordance with the adopted annual report. 

	The Board's proposal for distribution of the net result of DKK -9,577 million
with DKK 1,429 million dividends to the shareholders, equivalent to DKK 325 per
share, and DKK -11,006 million as retained earnings was approved. 

e)	Resolution on authority to acquire own shares.

The General Meeting authorised the Board to allow the company to acquire own
shares as proposed by the Board. 

f)	Any requisite election of members for the Board of Directors.
	Nominee Directors Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla, Poul J. Svanholm, Jan Leschly,
Lars Kann-Rasmussen, Sir John Bond, Lars Pallesen, John Axel Poulsen og Cecilie
Mose Hansen stood down. Ane Mærsk Mc-Kinney Uggla, Jan Leschly, Sir John Bond
and Lars Pallesen were re-elected. Furthermore, Robert J. Routs, Arne Karlsson
and Erik Rasmussen were elected as new Board members. 
g)	Election of auditors.
	KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerskab and Grant Thornton Statsautorisret
Revisionsaktieselskab were re-elected as Auditors of the Company. 

h)	Deliberation of any proposals submitted by the Board of Directors or by

The proposed changes of the Articles of Association as suggested by the Board,
primarily due to the new Danish Companies Act, were adopted. 


Meeting adjourned.

Contact person: Executive Vice President Lars-Erik Brenøe, 
tel. no. +45 33 63 36 07.


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