Kauno Tiekimas AB, 133523653, Palemono str. 171, Kaunas, Lithuania              
 (name, code, registered address, home office address, State of the issuers)    

2. The reasons for crossing the threshold (specify the relevant reason)         
[X] Disposal of a block of shares (manual trade reported to VSE)                
 (disposal of voting rights)                                                    

[ ]____________;                                                                
securities that subject to a formal agreement upon a request of the owner       
thereof grants the right to acquire in the future the shares already issued by  
the issuer (underline the necessary and indicate the specific reason).          

[ ]____________;                                                                
(the event resulting in the change of number of the voting rights held (indicate
the specific event)                                                             

3. InCompleks LLC, B/K                                                          
(name and last name of the person who has acquired or disposed of the voting    
rights, or the name of the company)                                             

4. ____________;                                                                
(name and last name of the shareholder, if different from the person indicated  
in item 3)                                                                      

5. Date of the transaction 02-07-2008                                           

The date of which the threshold was crossed (specify): 03-07-2008               

6. Threshold that was crossed or reached (specify):  10 %                       

7. Data submitted:                                                              

| Voting rights granted by the shares:                                         |
| Class    | Number of      | The number of shares and voting rights held at   |
| of       | shares and     | the date of crossing the threshold               |
| shares,  | votes held     |                                                  |
| ISIN     | previous to    |                                                  |
| code     | the            |                                                  |
|          | acquisition of |                                                  |
|          | disposal of    |                                                  |
|          | the block of   |                                                  |
|          | shares         |                                                  |
|          | Numbe | Number | Number  | Number of voting | Number of voting    |
|          | r of  | of     | of      | rights (units)   | rights  (%)         |
|          | share | voting | shares  |                  |                     |
|          | s     | rights | (units) |                  |                     |
|          | (unit | (units |         |                  |                     |
|          | s)    | )      |         |                  |                     |
|          |       |        | Directl | Direct | Indirec | Directl | Indirectl |
|          |       |        | y       | ly     | tly     | y       | y         |
| ORS      | 15024 | 150246 | 993461  | 993461 | -       | 9,76    | -         |
| LT000010 | 61    | 1      |         |        |         |         |           |
| 4879     |       |        |         |        |         |         |           |
|          |       | Total  | 993461  | 993461 | -       | 9,76    | -         |
|          |       | (A)    |         |        |         |         |           |

| Data on the securities that subject to a formal agreement upon a request of  |
| the owner thereof grants the right to acquire in the future the shares       |
| already issued by the issuer.                                                |
| Name of      | Date of       | The dates of  | Number of     | Shares and    |
| securities   | expiry of the | conversion    | shares and    | votes to be   |
|              | securities    | and (or) the  | votes to be   | acquired      |
|              |               | exercise of   | acquired      | through the   |
|              |               | the rights    | through the   | exercise of   |
|              |               | granted by    | exercise of   | the rights    |
|              |               | the           | the rights    | attached to   |
|              |               | securities    | attached to   | the securites |
|              |               |               | the           | (percent)     |
|              |               |               | securities    |               |
|              |               |               | (units)       |               |
|              |               | Total (B)     |               |               |
| Total number of votes held (A+B)                                             |
|                         | Number of votes (units) | Number of votes (%)      |
| Iš viso                 | 993461                  | 9.76                     |

(the chain of controlled entities actually managing the voting rights and (or)  
securities that subject to a formal agreement upon a request of the owner       
thereof grants the right to acquire in the future the shares already issued by  
the issuer (to be completed if necessary).                                      

9. The right granted to the proxy __________________to vote at his own          
discretion in respect          (name and last name of the proxy) 
of ___________________________ expires on ______________________;             
       (voting rights, units, )		(date)                                       

10. __________________________________________________________;                 
                   (additional information) 

1. The identity of the natural or legal person obligated to submit the          

InCompleks LLC, B/K                                                             
 (name, last name, personal code or the name of the company, code)              

101 South Spring Street, Suite 220, Little Rock, Arkanzas 72201, JAV            
(contact address, telephone, fax numbers; electronic mail address, other        
relevant information);                                                          

2. Identity of the person submitting the notification (where the notification is
submitted by a                                                                  
person different from that indicated in item 1):                                

Valeria Mitelman                                                                
 (name, last name, personal code or the name of the company, code)              

Michailovo str. 3-11                                                            
(contact address, telephone, fax numbers; electronic mail address, other        
relevant information);                                                          

3. By signing the present information notification I hereby confirm that the    
presented therein is complete and accurate, and that I have familiarised myself 
with the                                                                        
sanctions imposed for the provision of misleading information provided for in   
the Law on                                                                      
Securities and the Code of Administrative Violations of Law of the Republic of  

(the signature of the person notifying of the acquisition or disposal of shares 
(name, last name and the signature of the Manager of the Company), the date of  
filling in the notification)