Internationally acclaimed Norwegian author wins Telenor culture award

Telenor's 'Borderless Communication' culture award is awarded to Norwegian artists, which have made a special contribution to Norwegian culture. Ambjørsen, also the author of youth and children's books that have often characterised 'outsiders', was unanimously chosen by the jury. Several of his books have become successful film and stage productions and have been published in several languages.

Ambjørsen made his debut during the 1970s with his poetry collection 'Pepsikyss'. His breakthrough came in 1986 with his novel 'White Niggers' which provided a voice for the 'outsiders' that dominated Norway's counter-culture during the 1970s. Norwegians' increased acceptance of mental illness has been attributed in part to Ambjørsen's four-novel series written during the 1990s, which follows the life of psychiatric patient 'Elling'.

According to Telenor, "communication is the core of Telenor's activities. We often refer to 'borderless communication', which unites people and businesses regardless of geographical and organisational boundaries. Art represents another form of communication."