Voluntary public offer – Statement by the Board of Directors

Company Announcement No. 17/2020

Copenhagen, 3 November 2020

As announced in Company Announcement No. 16/2020, on 19 October 2020 Athena Investments A/S (“Athena”) received a voluntary public offer from FIDIM SRL (“Fidim”) for the acquisition of all shares in Athena.

The Board of Directors of Athena have reviewed the offer from Fidim together with relevant advisers.

The analysis and conclusions of the Board of Directors of Athena are included in an annex to this Company Announcement.

The Board of Directors


Peter Høstgaard-Jensen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tel: +45 40 10 88 71
Francesco Vittori, CEO, Tel: +45 33 36 42 02


