Home Value Forecast: Eastward Expansion? Hot Markets Shift Away from the West

Waltham, MA, July 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

This month, our Home Value Forecast is highlighting a shift in hot U.S. single-family home markets. Western states typically dominate most of the Top Ten, but this month the trend is toward rapidly growing eastern metros.

This month, only Killeen, TX, Boise City, ID, and Eugene, OR, are the only western metros to land on our Top Ten Hottest Housing Markets List. After years of rapid price appreciation, it finally looks like things are slowing down in California, Colorado, Washington state, and other historically hot western markets, and giving way to new growth in eastern states such as North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

“The growing markets in North Carolina aren’t surprising to us,” said Tom O’Grady, CEO of Pro Teck Valuation Services. “We forecasted the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill market’s potential for continued growth in a previous Home Value Forecast two years ago. To see positive trends like this continue is a promising sign about the health and longevity of North Carolinian markets.”

Click here to read the entire report, including data and graphs that further highlight market trends discussed in this release.

About Home Value Forecast

Home Value Forecast (HVF) is brought to you by Pro Teck Valuation Services. HVF provides insight into the current and future state of the U.S. housing market and delivers 14 market snapshot graphs from the top 30 CBSAs.

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