Novartis update on expected currency impact

Update on expected currency impact

January 10, 2017

Dear All,

Over the last few years we have provided information on the estimated impact of exchange rate fluctuations
on our results during our quarterly earnings presentations.

Starting today, we are going to provide this on a monthly basis (generally around the middle of each month)
for each of the months that fall between quarterly releases (i.e. February, March, May, June, August,
September, November and December) on our website. This is the expected currency impact, if currencies
stay at mid-month levels of current month for the future. Exceptionally, for this first update we use early
January rates.

Our currency impact update can be found on the following link
and is also attached to this email.

Kind regards
Novartis International AG
Investor Relations
Basel Office  
General Phone +41 61 324 79 44
Samir Shah +41 61 324 79 44
Pierre-Michel Bringer +41 61 324 10 65
Thomas Hungerbuehler +41 61 324 84 25
Isabella Zinck +41 61 324 71 88
North America Office  
Richard Pulik +1 212 830 24 48
Sloan Pavsner +1 212 830 24 17

Title: Novartis



Expected Currency Impact