Annual general meeting in IBS AB

Annual general meeting in IBS AB

This is a non-official translation of the Swedish original wording. In
case of discrepancies between the English translation and the Swedish
original, the Swedish text shall prevail.

Annual general meeting in IBS AB will be held Wednesday 22 June 2011 at
9.00 a.m. (CET), at the company´s premises at Hemvärnsgatan 8 in Solna.
Registration and entering start at 8.30 a.m.


Shareholders who want to participate in the general meeting shall

  · be listed in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB on
Thursday 16 June 2011, and
  · give notice to the company of their intention to participate in the
general meeting no later than Thursday 16 June 2011.

Notice can be made in writing at the address IBS AB, Attn. Årsstämma,
P.O. Box 1350, 171 26 Solna, Sweden, or by telephone +46 8 627 23 03,
fax +46 8 29 16 60, by e‑mail or via IBS website  When giving notice of attendance, name, personal identity
number/corporate identity number, address, and telephone number must be
stated. The notice shall also include the number of assistants (no more
than two) that the shareholder intends to bring to the general meeting.
If a shareholder is represented by proxy, such proxy should be submitted
together with the notification of attendance. A proxy form is available
at the company's website ( and will be
sent to shareholders who require it and state their postal addresses.
Representative of a legal entity shall present a copy of certificate of
registration or other documents of authorization showing authorized

Shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee must,
in order to be entitled to participate in the general meeting, arrange
for those shares to be registered temporarily in their own names with
Euroclear Sweden AB. A shareholder who wants such registration made must
notify his or her nominee well in advance of Thursday 16 June 2011, when
such registration shall be executed.

Proposed agenda

 1. Opening of the general meeting
 2. Election of chairman of the general meeting
 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list
 4. Approval of the agenda
 5. Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes
 6. Determination of whether the general meeting has been duly convened
 7. Presentation of the annual report and the auditor's report, and the
group accounts and the auditor's report for the group
 8. Resolution on adoption of profit and loss account and balance sheet,
and of the consolidated profit and loss account and consolidated balance
 9. Resolution on allocation of the company's earnings in accordance
with the adopted balance sheet
10. Resolution on discharge from liability for the members of the board
of directors and CEO
11. Resolution on the number of board members
12. Resolution on fees to the board of directors
13. Election of board members and chairman of the board
14. Resolution on fees to the auditor
15. Resolution on alteration of the articles of association
16. Closing of the general meeting

Resolution on allocation of the company's earnings in accordance with
the adopted balance sheet (item 9)

The board of directors proposes that no dividend shall be paid for the
financial year 2010 and that earnings shall be carried forward.

Resolution on alteration of the articles of association (item 15)

The board of directors proposes that the general meeting resolves that
the articles of association shall be altered mainly as follows.

       -           Current wording § 9: The company shall have one or
two auditors, with or without deputy auditors, or a registered
accounting firm. The board of directors may appoint an auditor for
special review under chapter 13, section 8 of the Swedish    Companies
Act (ABL); chapter 14, section 10 ABL; chapter 15, section 10 ABL;
chapter 20, section 14 ABL and chapter 23, section 12 ABL. The auditor
appointed by the board of directors shall be authorized or approved
public accountant or a registered accounting firm.

                   Proposed wording § 9: The company shall have one or
two auditors, with or without deputy auditors, or a registered
accounting firm. The assignment as an auditor shall last until the end
of the general meeting that is to be held in the fourth financial year
after the auditor was appointed. The board of directors may appoint an
auditor for special review under chapter 13, section 8 of the Swedish
Companies Act (ABL); chapter 14, section 10 ABL; chapter 15, section 10
ABL; chapter 20, section 14 ABL and chapter 23, section 12 ABL. The
auditor appointed by the board of directors shall be authorized or
approved public accountant or a registered accounting firm.

       -           Current wording § 10: Notice to attend general
meeting shall take place through an announcement in Post- och Inrikes
Tidningar and in Svenska Dagbladet. Notice to attend annual general
meeting and extraordinary general meeting at which alterations of the
articles of association are to be addressed shall be issued not earlier
than six and no later than four weeks prior to the meeting. Notice to
other extraordinary general meeting shall be issued not earlier than six
and no later than two weeks prior to the meeting. Other notices to the
shareholders shall take place through regular mail.

Proposed wording § 10: Notice to attend a general meeting shall take
place through an announcement in Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and by
making the notice of attendance available on the company's website.
Announcement that notice has taken place shall be published in Svenska

       -           Current wording § 11: Shareholders who want to
participate in general meeting shall be recorded in a printout or other
presentation of the entire share register as regards the conditions five
weekdays before the general meeting, and notify the company no later
than 12.00 on the day stated in the notice to the meeting. Such date may
not be a Sunday, other public holiday, Saturday, Midsummer Eve,
Christmas Eve or new Year´s Eve and may not occur earlier than the fifth
weekday prior to the meeting. Shareholders may be accompanied by one or
two assistants, but only if the shareholder has made a notification
thereof in the manner stated in the preceding section.

Proposed wording § 11: Shareholders who want to participate in general
meeting shall be recorded in a printout or other presentation of the
entire share register as regards the conditions five weekdays before the
general meeting, and notify the company not later by the day stated in
the notice to the meeting. Such date may not be a Sunday, other public
holiday, Saturday, Midsummer Eve, Christmas Eve or new Year´s Eve and
may not occur earlier than the fifth weekday prior to the meeting.
Shareholders may be accompanied by one or two assistants, but only if
the shareholder has made a notification thereof in the manner stated in
the preceding section.

The heading of § 10 of the articles of association is proposed to be
altered as follows.

          -         Current wording of the heading in § 10: Notice to
attend a general meeting and other communications.

                      Proposed wording of the heading in § 10: Notice to
attend a general meeting.


Accounting documents and the auditor's report will be available at the
company's head office, Hemvärnsgatan 8 in Solna, as from 8 June 2011 and
will also be sent to shareholders who require it and state their postal
addresses. The documents will in connection herewith also be available
at the company's website (

Stockholm in May 2011

IBS AB (publ)

The Board of Directors

For more information, please contact:

Jeanette C Lind
VP of Corporate Marketing
46 70 860 25 73 (

