Extract from Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Announcement no. 22/2010

Extract from Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting

On Wednesday 4 August 2010, at 3 pm an Extraordinary General Meeting of
Maconomy A/S was held at the Company's address, Vordingborggade 18-22, DK-2100
Copenhagen Ø. 

1.	Election of three new members to the Board of Directors.
2.	Authorisation from the shareholders to the Board of Directors of Maconomy
A/S to apply to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S for a delisting of the shares. 
3.	Authorisation to the board of directors with the right of substitution to
file the adopted resolutions to the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency. 

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The general meeting resolved by way of introduction that the general meeting
should be held in English in accordance with Section 100(3) of the Danish
Companies Act. Further, the general meeting resolved in ac-cordance with
article 10.6 of the acticles of associations of Maconomy A/S that a complete
account of the voting at the general meeting could be omitted. The resolutions
were adopted unanimously. 

Re. 1 - Election of three new members to the Board of Directors
The proposal for the election of Kevin T. Parker, Michael P. Corkery and David
R. Schwiesow as new mem-bers of the company's board of directors was adopted

Re. 2 - Authorisation from the shareholders to the Board of Directors of
Maconomy A/S to apply to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S for a delisting of the
The proposal for the authorisation to the Board of Directors of Maconomy A/S to
apply to NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S for the delisting of the shares was adopted

Re. 3 - Authorisation to the board of directors with the right of substitution
to file the adopted resolu-tions to the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency 
The proposals for the authorisation to the board of directors with the right of
substitution to file the adopted resolutions to the Danish Commerce and
Companies Agency was adopted unanimously. 

As Chairman and secretary of meeting:

Niels Chr. Ellegaard
Attorney, Plesner

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This announcement has been prepared in Danish and English. The Danish version
is to be considered the original version for official purpose and in case of
any discrepancies between the two versions the Danish version shall prevail. 

For additional information on this announcement contact:
•	Hugo Dorph, CEO, tel. +45 35 27 79 00, email: hdo@maconomy.com		
•	Jan Muurmand, FD, tel. +45 35 27 24 55, email: jm@maconomy.com

