Eirikuva Digital Image OYJ ABP´s Issue closed and all the offered shares subscribed

Eirikuva Digital Image Oyj Abp (the ”Company”) decided  to organize a share
issue by offering at maximum 1,500,000 new shares for subscription primarily 
to Shareholders of Amago Capital AB (publ) (”Amago Shareholders”) and
secondarily to undefined group of investors (”Investors”) with a subscription
price of 0.80 euros per share.   In accordance with the terms of the issue the
subscription period commenced on October 9th, 2007 and ended on November 16th,
2007 (“Subscription Period”). All the offered shares have been subscribed. The
term of payment shall continue until November 21st, 2007, after which the board
will accept the subscriptions. 

The board of directors of the Company shall on November 21, 2007 handle and
accept the subscriptions made and resolve the allocation of shares in
accordance with the terms of the issue after which the subscription
confirmations will be delivered to the subscribers. 

0.40 euros of the subscription price paid for each share shall be booked to
Company's share capital and the remaining 0.40 euros to unrestricted equity
fund. As a result of the subscriptions the share capital of the Company will
increase by 600.000 euros and the unrestricted equity fund by 600.000 euros. 
As a result of registering the shares subscribed in the issue, the total number
of shares in the Company will be increased to 3,520,000 shares. 

The new shares have the same value as the Company's other shares and entitle to
full dividend for the financial period which begun on January 1, 2007 and for
all financial periods thereafter. 

It is estimated that the new shares subscribed for in the
issue would be registered in the trade register by November 28th, 2007 at the
latest and listed in OMX First North Finland - market place by December 3rd,
2007 at the latest. 

For further information, please contact:
Robert Ejermark, Managing Director Amago Capital, +46 733 152 002
Merja Ailama-Mäkitalo, Managing Director Eirikuva Digital Image, +358 40 545

Amago Capital' share is trades at First North Stockholm, Mangold Fondkommission
AB is CA (Certified Advisor) to Amago Capital +46 8 503 01 550.

